Hello USA Contingent ISTs!!
Yesterday we received the updated version of the IST Job Catalog for the 2023 World Jamboree!
As you may know what was the Jamboree Planning Team (JPT) is now the Jamboree Management Team (JMT) to reflect that the emphasis has gone from PLANNING the Jamboree to MANAGING the Jamboree. The JMT has done some restructuring which they believe will allow them to manage the Jamboree much better. We believe this restructuring was done after some careful review and is an indication of the JMTs desire to move things forward in the best way possible so we can all Draw our Jamboree Dream in August.
You will be excited to know the voices of the ISTs of the world have been heard and adjustments made by the Jamboree Management Team (JMT). Many asked to be able to indicate their qualifications for the positions for which they are applying, and you will be able to do that.
ISTs also asked for a reasonable lead time and that is also in this process. The task of indicating your three preferred jobs has to be in Korea on or before April 23 so we have right at a month to get that done. The USA CMT will need your preferences a little earlier so we can check them and follow up with those we do not hear from. Selecting team members will begin after April 23 and we do not yet know what the target date is for having this done.
Your USA CMT is looking at the best way to collect the information that is needed by the JMT so that we can get it into a form that we can upload. While we are putting this together here is what you can do to be ready. You might want to use the attached sheet to help get ready.
1. Review the attached job catalog and select three job preferences. Record them on the Job Entry Planning Sheet or anywhere as your First, Second and Third choices. You should write down the code and name of the job such as SF-4-4 Epidemiology.
2. Make a list of your qualifications for each job. Put your most important qualification at the top of the list. We believe that when the time comes to enter your qualifications the best way to do this will be to put one qualification on a line, hit enter and put the next qualification on the next line and continue this process. This will make it easy for the team leader selecting their team members to read/skim your qualifications. Keep in mind that for each job there may be interest from hundreds of scouters or just a few. Most team leaders will be looking for a mix of experienced folks and some who will put the experience of this Jamboree to use in the future. It is hoped they will be looking for some older folks and some younger folks to be on their team for the same reason. A big part of staffing any jamboree is getting ready for the next jamboree.
3. When you have recorded your job choices and your qualifications you will be ready to provide your choices and qualifications when the time comes to do that. Watch for more information about this. When things are ready for you to submit your preferences, you will receive another email.
Please let me know of any questions you might have.
Yours in Scouting,
Bill Daggett, IST Commissioner
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