2023 World Scout Jamboree
USA Contingent
Application information
Registration for the United States Contingent will open on November 15, 2021. Details on how to apply are below.
Youth participants must be at least 14 by the first day of the Jamboree, August 1, 2023 and have not turned 18 by the last day of the jamboree, August 12, 2023. Youth participants spaces are open to ALL registered members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout.
It is anticipated the US Contingent will include around 504 youth and 54 adult leaders in 14 units. After youth complete the registration form and pay their deposit their applications will be sent to their council offices. Councils will confirm eligibility and council support. Jamboree CMT will make final selections and, when the time comes, youth will be placed in units based on geography, gender and, possibly, whether or not scouts will be attending both the National Jamboree AND World Jamboree.
Unit Adult Leaders – Each of the 14 or so jamboree units will have a scoutmaster and 3 assistant scoutmasters.
Adult Leaders must age 21 or over by the departure of the USA Contingent, tentatively July 26, 2021.
For more information and to express your interest (apply) for a unit leadership position go to the Adult Leader Application. Those selected as adult leaders will be sent a registration link. Selections are being done on a rolling basis. The Adult Leader Application is currently closed.
International Service Team (IST) – IST and CMT members must be age 18 or over by the first day of the Jamboree, August 1, 2022.
10,000 adults worldwide will be selected to serve on the Jamboree staff as a part of the IST. Applications will be vetted and then sent to the World Jamboree Planning Team Team in Korea who will make the selections and position assignments.
Youth Participants and Unit Leaders – $6,100
Includes: the jamboree fee, travel to and from the USA to Korea, a pre tour, all meals during travel, pre tour in Korea, transportation between Incheon International Airport to the jamboree site and back, insurance, jamboree swag, USA contingent support, and more.
IST and CMT – $2,300
Includes: the jamboree fee, transportation between Incheon International Airport to the jamboree site and back, jamboree swag, insurance, USA contingent support, and more (NOTE: IST and CMT are responsible for their own travel to the jamboree)
Payment Schedule
Upon Registration – $500 deposit
August 31, 2022 – 1/3 of the total fee
Payment Due = $1,533.00
Total to this point to be current = $2,033.00
January 31, 2023 – 1/3 of the total fee
Payment Due = $2,033.00
Total to this point to be current = $4,066.00
April 30, 2023 – 1/2 of the total
All fees should be paid in full = $6,100.00
Payment Due = $2,033.00
Total to this point to be current = $6,100.00
NOTE: Attendees can make payments to their account of any amount at any time
Refund Policy
All participants, leaders, IST and CMT will be required to acknowledge the following refund policy:
“I understand and agree that if I should have to cancel my participation in the jamboree, there are monies that cannot be refunded, including a $100 cancellation fee and all payments made on my behalf to the jamboree host country, airlines (actual ticket and/or deposit),and for troop/patrol equipment. Once such fees have been deducted, I understand and agree I may be eligible for a refund of any remaining fees I have paid.”
How to Apply and Required Documentation
When you click on the “Click Here to Apply” you will be taken to the BSA Event Management System. You will need your “My.Scouting” username and password to start the process. (Parents – make sure you enter the credentials for your Scout, not yourself). Once you’ve entered your credentials, you will see a list of BSA National Events. Choose “2023 World Scout Jamboree” and fill out the application. You will need to pay your $500.00 USD deposit to complete the application.
Each participant, IST and CMT will be required to apply online, have a completed BSA Health Form (all parts), a USA passport that expires no earlier than six months after the Jamboree (which would be February 12, 2024), completion of the Jamboree Safe From Harm training, and agreement to the policies and waivers in the online application. You will need all of these documents to attend, but not all of them to apply.
If you are having difficulties with registration, check out our FAQ for specific information on how to resolve issues. If you are discouraged and full of Jamboree despair, then fill out this form and a nice Scouter will help you:
Unit Formation
The USA contingent of 850 Scouts and leaders will make up around 2% of the expected 50,000 Jamboree participants. Depending on the demand, all 504 youth spots could fill fast so those who wish to participate are encouraged to apply as soon as they can.
The BSA Contingent will break down like this:
– 504 youth participants divided into 14 units of 36 Scouts each.
– 56 adult leaders with a leader and 3 assistant leaders for each unit. Unit Leaders can express their interest in being considered for a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster role by applying online here.
– 250 +/- IST members of the 10,000 needed to staff the Jamboree.
32 Contingent Management Team Members. The time to apply for these spots is over.
Jamboree units will be formed based on geography, gender and, perhaps, whether the participant will also be attending the National Jamboree. It is anticipated jamboree units will include a mix of all male and all female ScoutBSA Troops, Venturing Crews, and/or Sea Scout Ships depending on the makeup of those who register.
If you have questions about registration for the 2023 World Scout Jamboree, please contact your local Council Office.