Here are some answers to common questions about the
2023 World Scout Jambore in South Korea for the USA Contingent
Download the Official FAQ Here
What is the World Scout Jamboree?
The World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) is the largest regular event organized by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), gathering up to 50,000 Scouts from more than 170 countries around the world. It is an educational event to promote peace and understanding among young people from different cultures. The World Scout Jamboree includes many activities and opportunities to make friends from other countries.
The next World Scout Jamboree will take place in SaeManGeum, South Korea. SaeManGeum is located west of the city of Buan, 170 miles south (3 hour drive) from Incheon Airport in Seoul.
For more information, visit the host website at 2023.wsjkorea.org. The 2023 WSJ will be the 25th Jamboree in Scouting history. The first Jamboree took place in England in 1920.
What are the dates for the World Scout Jamboree?
The Jamboree will be held August 1- 12, 2023. A pre-tour is being planned as part of the participant package for youth and adult leaders. Departure from the USA is expected on or around July 26, 2023.
Experiencing Registration Issues?
Some users have experienced errors or messages indicating they don’t qualify to register. If you are experiencing registration issues, please report the problems on this form and someone will get back to you.
How can I apply for the 25th World Scout Jamboree?
The application system opens on November 15, 2021. Go to the APPLY page of this web site to begin your application process.
Who can attend the World Scout Jamboree?
Youth Participants must be at least 14 by the first day of the Jamboree, August 1, 2023 and have not turned 18 by the last day of the jamboree, August 12, 2023.
Youth participants spaces are open to ALL registered members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout.
Adult Leaders must age 21 or over by the departure of the USA Contingent, tentatively July 26, 2021.
IST and CMT members must be age 18 or over by the first day of the Jamboree, August 1, 2022.
The WSJ Contingent is open to all members of Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts who meet the age requirement. All unit leaders, IST and CMT must be registered as an adult with the Boy Scouts of America and be current with their Youth Protection Training. Additional YPT training will be required.
What is the Jamboree Refund Policy?
All registrations will be charged a $100 cancelation fee.
Payment made on your behalf (i.e. jamboree fee, airline tickets, equipment, etc.) many not be refundable.
After all deductions are made, a refund of any or all remaining fees paid may be available.
Are there scholarships available?
At this time, there are no scholarship available from the USA Contingent. However, we encourage Scouts to contact their local Council, unit charter organization, and local service organizations (such as Rotary or Kiwanas) for support. Many Scouts earn money or fundraise for a year or two to pay for the Jamboree.
What is the Selection Process?
Selection Process
The Boy Scouts of America is limited to the number of participants and International Service Team Members it can send to a World Jamboree. Based on anticipated participation, space could be limited. Additionally, organizing a contingent of this size takes time. If you have submitted your application and not heard back yet, please be patient.
IST – Once approved by their local Council and the USA Contingent leadership, the application will be sent to the World Jamboree Organizers (Host). The Host will notify the applicant of acceptance and job assignment. Some assignments will likely be given in 2022 and some in 2023. The applicant will need to continue to pay as per the fee schedule above. If an applicant is not ultimately accepted, they will receive a full refund.
Who will decide on who is selected to go as a participant or as a unit leader?
There are many levels of approval to participate in any capacity, including your local council, and BSA Area and National teams. There are no “Golden Tickets” to attend the World Jamboree. That is, there is not a set of qualifications that guarantee attendance at the World Jamboree. The registration order may be taken into account, but it is not “first come, first serve.”
When will those decisions be made?
Decisions on members are made on a rolling basis, as applications are received.
Participants and Unit Leaders will hear from Contingent leadership if and when they have been selected. IST applicants are selected by the Host Team and may not hear until 2023.
How will I know if I’m selected?
Your local council will approve the application.
Youth participants – Once approved by the council, applications will be reviewed by the CMT and placed in a troop based on geography. This process can take some time
Unit Leader – Applicants will be interviewed and notified if they are selected.
IST – Once approved by the council, the CMT will review and reach out additional information is required.
Can I also participate in the 2023 BSA National Jamboree?
Options are being reviewed for how participants could attend both events of the choose. Participation in the 2023 National Jamboree would require additional fees.
Please note due to the USA Contingent departure date, participant would be required to leave the 2023 BSA National Jamboree early.
What is IST and How Do I Serve on Staff?
The International Service Team (IST) staffs the Jamboree. IST members must be 18 years old or older. They serve in many roles, including security, food preparation, program staff (zip line, rock climbing, water sports, etc…), first aid, and many other roles. The IST is an international corps; you will be working alongside staff from many countries. IST have their own camp and dining hall. They will have “time off” to enjoy the Jamboree and participate in some events. For Scouts who want to join the Jamboree, but are older than 18, this is a great way to participate.
What does an IST member do?
Just like any NSJ, program and operational responsibilities still have to be fulfilled. Think of any job to make a 50,000-person city come alive, and it’ll likely be there!
When will I know what job I have as IST?
It takes a lot of specialized skills to host a World Jamboree experience. The Jamboree Host committee plans to make as many IST assignments as possible in advance of arrival at the Jamboree site. Consideration of factors such as a candidate’s skills, areas of interest, and experience will likely figure into the selection process. IST prospects will need to be cleared by their NSO before they can be considered for appointment to the IST. Please note that the primary role of IST is to serve the youth by helping deliver the World Scout Jamboree experience.
When will IST members need to arrive? When will IST members need to leave?
IST members arrival and departure dates may vary depending on their position, but will generally be required to arrive one to two days before the event, and depart one or two days after the Jamboree.
Will I be able to attend only half of the WSJ as an IST member, similar to BSA’s National
At this time, the answer is probably not. Staffing at a World Jamboree is different due to many factors. However, the ultimate decision for IST staff and schedules will be decided by the Host team and we will let you know if we learn of shorter team staff opportunities.
What do the Adult Leaders Do?
Each unit will consist of 36 Scouts and four unit leaders – one unit leader and three assistant unit leaders. Unit leaders are required to be over 21 years of age by the time of the Jamboree. These leaders are responsible for providing a safe Jamboree experience for the participants and for supporting the youth leaders in carrying out their responsibilities. Adult leaders will be selected on their experience, qualifications, and ability to provide supervision and leadership to the unit.
How can I get more information about the USA Contingent?
There are many ways to stay in touch with the USA Contingent. The best way to stay in the loop is to follow this web page and blog, and our Facebook page. Additionally, if you have specific questions about the USA Contingent, please send an email to info@wsj2023.us
How large is the USA Contingent?
The USA contingent is planning for 790 people:
- 14 units of 36 youth and 4 unit leaders (560 total)
- 200 International Service Team (IST) members
- 30 Contingent Management Team (CMT) members
How will we travel to the World Jamboree?
Each unit will travel together to South Korea. Scouts will meet their unit at an airport relatively close to their home. The unit, under the supervision of four adult leaders, will fly to Incheon airport, near Seoul. The unit will tour Seoul and South Korea for several days before travelling to SaeManGeum by bus on August 1, 2023. The Scouts will depart the Jamboree on August 12, 2023 by bus to the Incheon airport, where they will catch their flight home.
What is a Contingent Kit?
Each participant and IST member will receive a contingent kit that consists of patches, neckerchiefs, and other USA Contingent branded items to wear and take to the World Scout Jamboree.
What gear will I need for the Jamboree?
The Jamboree will provide a tent (one person per tent), sleeping mat, and patrol cooking gear for each unit. Participants will be responsible for bringing their own personal gear, including a sleeping bag and pad (if desired), Scout uniforms (Class A or Field Uniform), and casual Scout wear (Class “B” or Activity Uniform) shirts. Scouts will be provided with a detailed packing list.
What kind of weather can I expect?
South Korea is hot and humid in August. The Jamboree site does not have much shade, although each unit will have a large tarp for shade. Be prepared to wear sunscreen and clothing to protect you from sun exposure, and to always have plenty of water with you to stay hydrated. Fortunately, the site is near the sea, and may have a steady breeze at times.
Wifi and Electric Power
The Jamboree will have wifi throughout the site. Contingents are responsible for providing solar charging stations in their unit camp site. Don’t forget a power adaptor that will work in South Korea! You may also want to bring a solar charger and extra batteries.
What do people wear at Jamboree?
For travel, evening shows, and formal events, participants will wear their full BSA uniform. But for most of the time, we will be wearing a scout t-shirt, shorts or pants, and a neckerchief. We’ll be very active during the day and the weather will likely be warm and humid, so dress accordingly. Participants will be issued a contingent neckerchief and a WSJ neckerchief. The WSJ necker indicates that you are an official participant. You will also be issued a security credential (name tag) that must be worn at all times. Scouts often give or trade neckers as a sign of friendship, so sometimes you will see participants with three or (many) more neckers around their neck.
What's up with how Scouts tie their neckerchiefs?
Scouts take their neckerchiefs (or “neckers” or “scout scarves” as they’re called in other parts of the world) very seriously. In some countries, Scouts use three people to roll and tie their neckers just right. You will notice that many Scouts don’t use neckerchief slides (also called woggles). Instead, they tie a special knot called the Friendship Knot at the end. This knot signifies the special bond of friendship Scouts have around the world and is a convenient way to keep your scout scarf together. You can learn to tie the Friendship knot in this video or this diagram.
Figuring Out Jambo Acronyms
Scouting is an alphabet soup of acronyms. Here are some that you should know:
CMT: Contingent Management Team – the committee of adult leaders who are responsible for program and safety of the contingent. For the USA contingent, there will be about 35 CMT members.
HOC: Head of Contingent – the “CEO” of the contingent, who also represents the contingent and country at the Jamboree.
NSO: National Scouting Organization – The Boy Scouts of America is our NSO. There are more than 170 NSOs that will be at the Jamboree.
SFH: Safe From Harm – this is the training and program used to prevent and deal with what the BSA calls “youth protection”, or YPT.
WOSM: World Organation of the Scout Movement. WOSM hosts three major events – the World Scout Jamboree, World Scout Moot and JOTA-JOTI.
JPT: Jamboree Planning Team – The volunteer committee responsible for planning and carrying out the Jamboree.
KSA: Korean Scout Association – KSA is our host, and as such is responsible for the JPT.
How will Covid-19 Impact the Jamboree?
The 25th WSJ host committee is working closely with the government of Korea to monitor any impact to the jamboree. While the hope is the world will be back to normal in 2023 it’s still too early to know what safety steps may be required.
The 25th WSJ host committee does not currently know if Covid-19 vaccines or negative test will be required. Information will be updated as we learn more.
What if the Jamboree is Cancelled?
The USA Contingent will follow the policies published by the 25th WSJ host committee if the jamboree is canceled.
The BSA Contingent will work to refund a partial or full refund dependent upon available funds returned by the 25th WSJ host committee.
The timing of refund payments would be dependent on funds returned to the USA Contingent and/or if applicable, insurance claims paid to the USA Contingent.
Additional details are available in the event disclosure section of the jamboree registration process.
After I am selected as an IST member, will I “belong” to the USA Contingent?
After the 25th WSJ host committee has selected you as an IST member and assigned you to an area (for example, the Global Development Village), then you will “belong” to that team. Any resources for the USA Contingent are still available to you, but you will work primarily with that team.
Additional details are available in the event disclosure section of the jamboree registration process.
Will I have any down time to enjoy the Jamboree as an IST member?
Absolutely! It’s the goal of the 25th WSJ host committee to recruit enough IST members for everyone to have ample time off. The 25th WSJ host committee is also planning IST specific activities in communities near the jamboree site.
What jobs are available for IST members?
The organizing committee in Korea has not release that information currently. Please note that the primary role of IST is to serve the youth by helping deliver the World Scout Jamboree experience.
When will IST members need to arrive? When will IST members need to leave?
IST members may be required to arrive prior to August 1, 2023 and depart after August 12, 2023 base on their work assignment. The 25th WSJ host committee will communicate those dates directly to the IST.
How much will the WSJ Cost?
$6,100.00 USD for youth participants.
$2,300.00 USD for IST and CMT.
For more details, including a payment schedule, go to the APPLY page.
For youth participants and unit leaders, the jamboree fee includes: the jamboree fee, travel to and from the USA to Korea, a pre tour, all meals during travel, pre tour in Korea, transportation between from Incheon International Airport to the jamboree site and back, insurance, jamboree swag, USA contingent support, and more.
For IST and CMT participants, the jamboree fee includes: the jamboree fee, transportation between from Incheon International Airport to the jamboree site and back, jamboree swag, insurance, USA contingent support, and more.
- Youth participant and unit leader departure points for travel are still being finalized and will be released later.
- IST and CMT are responsible for their own travel cost to the jamboree.
Can International Service Team Members participate in the pre or post tour?
Due to IST arrival dates prior to August 1, 2023, based on work assignment, no opportunities will be available to tour the with USA contingent.
No post tour options are being planned. However, IST are encouraged to explore South Korea on their own, or with other IST.
What will the food be like?
Units will order food and ingredients on an app prior to the Jamboree. Suggested recipies and food combinations will be provided. Each morning, representatives from the unit will pick up their food order at the Subcamp HQ. Cooking gear will be provided at the Jamboree.
I have a question about payments. Whom do I contact?
For assistance with the registration system, contact your local council.
For payement questions, contact
What about Crews and Ships among the US Contingent to the WSJ
At some point in the future, it will be determined if there is sufficient interest to send one or more units of Venturers or Sea Scouts as a part of the USA Contingent. As folks register for the Jamboree the system pulls their BSA registration type, so it is easy to see how many of each type – Troop, Crew, or Ship – have registered at any time.
Before units are formed someone will contact each scout to see which type of unit they want to attend the Jamboree with. Of course, they will need to be registered with that type of unit at the time of the Jamboree. So, those who are currently too young to register as venturing crew members or sea ship members will have a chance to express that they want to attend with one of those units before they are placed into a unit.
To register for the Jamboree as a youth participant you must be a member of a troop, crew, or ship when you register. This means that those scouts to young to be in a crew or ship now should go ahead and register for the Jamboree as a Scout BSA. If they wait until they turn 14 it is possible that there could be no spaces left. If there are no spaces available when a scout turns 14 and registers for a ship or crew, they would be unable to go unless someone drops out and they were next inline on the waiting list. Unfortunately, spaces cannot be held until someone is old enough to register with a crew or ship.
Finally, at this time, there is no guarantee a unit of venturers or a unit of sea scouts will be going to the Jamboree. It all depends on the registrations that are received. It is possible that one or more units of venturers and/or sea scouts go to the Jamboree along with a unit made up of venturers and seas scouts. Again, it all depends on the registrations that have been received at the time the decision on unit allocations is made.
For those wanting to go to the Jamboree as a part of a venturing or sea scouting unit the surest way to make this happen is, of course, to tell others about the Jamboree and invite them to Draw their Dream at the Jamboree.
What do I need to register?
Youth Participants require an active paid registration in your local council as member of a Scouts BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, or Sea Scout Ship.
Unit Leaders and IST require an active paid registration in your local council as a member of a Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, Council, or District AND have completed Youth Protection Training.
For Scouters not registered with a council you need an active paid registration with the National Council or a National Service Territory AND have completed Youth Protection Training.
IST who are not yet 18 but will turn 18 prior to August 1st need an active paid registration with their local council in a Troop, Crew, or Ship.
Completion of Youth Protection Training will be required before attending the jamboree
Registration for all participants requires a my.Scouting account.
When registering, if not logged in, click on the blue “My.Scouting.org Account” button.
DO NOT CLICK ON “Continue as New Registrant”. The registration system will not recognize you as a registered member of the BSA and will return an error “You do not qualify for this event”.
Your my.Scouting account needs to be linked to your current BSA ID Number.
Contact your local unit, commissioner, or council if you do not know your BSA ID number.
Be prepared to pay the $500 deposit by Credit Card or E‐Check.
What are the most common registration problems?
Your my.Scouting account has the wrong BSA ID number linked.
Contact your local council to confirm if you have duplicate BSA ID numbers and if so which BSA ID number has your current paid registration attached.
Please note, the BSA is preparing to roll out a new membership management tool for councils in 2022. Until this roll out is complete councils may be unable to merge duplicate BSA records.
You try to register someone else under your my.Scouting account.
Every applicant must register through their own My.Scouting account specific to them. If you do not have a my.Scouting account linked to your BSA ID number please create one prior registering.
Your membership has lapsed, and you do not have a current paid membership with the local council.
Contact your local council to arrange payment. A new youth or adult Scouting application with the council maybe required.
What does “Disclaimer Status” mean?
Disclaimer Pending – You have not accepted the required Event Disclaimers.
An email was sent from Event Management Platform <noreply‐EM@scouting.org> to the address listed in the my.Scouting account used for registration.
For participants under 18 at the time of registration, an email was sent to the parent/guardian email address submitted during registration.
For applications to be reviewed and processed, we must obtain your acknowledgment and agreement in advance to various Event Disclaimer documents regarding Code of Conduct, Event Cancellation, Media Authorization, Medical Consent, Payment & Refund Policy, Tobacco, Alcohol, & Drug Policy, and Travel Policy.
When the email is received look for “Click on View Documents to complete this process” at the beginning of the third paragraph. Click “View Documents” to review and approve the Event Disclaimer documents.
Automated reminders are sent until the disclaimers are accepted.
Please check your junk/spam/clutter folders if you do not see the disclaimer email in your inbox.
Accepted – You have completed the required disclaimers and your application has been forwarded to your council for review.
What does “Reservation is not council approved” mean?
Your council has reviewed and chosen to deny your application.
Contact your local council to review the application.
The council can request the application be reinstated if you are able to reach a resolution.
If you are unable to reach a resolution with your council all payments made will be refunded in full.
What if I see a “In Progress” status on my application?
You have started an application but not paid the deposit and hit submit.
We have experienced a few days with technical problems in the system which has caused some applicants to have duplicate applications. If you show multiple applications in your account, be sure to use the reservation code for the application, you paid a deposit on.
You should be able to continue with an “In Progress” application without starting a new application if you have not received a Reservation Confirmation email.
An email confirmation with the will be sent from the Event Management Platform <noreply‐EM@scouting.org> with each payment that includes the Reservation code.
How can I check my account or make a payment?
Login with the my.Scouting account used to create the application.
Click the “View Reservations” button under the event 25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont.
Find the line with your Reservation Code and click the grey arrow on the right.
Your reservation code was included in the confirmation and payments emails.
If you have multiple applications, the current paid application should list “2023 World Scout Jamboree” under Session Name and “08/01/2023” under Session Date.
Click the “Pencil” graphic next to “Reservation Details” to edit the application.
Click the “Payment” tab to make a payment.
You can choose to pay “Next installment”, “Total remaining balance”, or a “Custom amount”.
Select “Custom amount” if you want to make partial payments at any time.
Any amount not paid by the next payment date will show in the “Past due amount” option.
Select “PAY VIA E‐CHECK VIA ORBITAL”. (E‐Check is currently the only option available for payments after the initial deposit.
NOTE – Please allow your browser to display pop‐up windows when making payment.
Credit Cards accepted for payment of deposit are American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.
How do I know my registration is complete and accepted for review by the Contingent?
The system will generate automated emails at each step during the process.
25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont. Application Confirmation
Confirms registration is pending and informs to watch for an email on how to complete the final step of the application process.
25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont. ‐ Parental Consent
Asks for acknowledgment and agreement in advance to various Event Disclaimer documents.
Sent to the email address for the parent/guardian that was listed in the my.Scouting account used for the registration process of attendees under 18 at time of application.
When the email is received look for “Click on View Documents to complete this process” at the beginning of the third paragraph. Click “View Documents” to review and approve the Event Disclaimer documents.
25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont. ‐ Disclaimer Invite
Asks for acknowledgment and agreement in advance to various Event Disclaimer documents.
Sent to attendee over age 18 at time of registration.
When the email is received look for “Click on View Documents to complete this process” at the beginning of the third paragraph. Click “View Documents” to review and approve the Event Disclaimer documents.
25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont. Disclaimer Reminder
Reminder to complete the required Event Disclaimer documents.
25th World Scout Jamboree ‐ USA Cont. Disclaimers Complete
Confirmation that the required disclaimers have been completed.
Once received, the application is forwarded to the local council for review and approval.
25th World Scout Jamboree –Payment Confirmation
Confirmation that payment was made successfully.
Includes amount paid today and total amount paid to date.
25th World Scout Jamboree – Attendee Payment Failure
Informs of issue with a payment transaction that failed with instructions on resubmitted payment.
25th World Scout Jamboree – Application Approved
Confirmation that your council has reviewed and approved your application.
Jamboree leadership will receive your council approved application and reach out if any additional action is required by you.
Youth Participants will be placed in jamboree units based on geography in 2022.
IST applications will be sent to the Jamboree host committee in Korea when requested for review and job placement.
For all applications, this can be a lengthy process, so we thank you in advance for your patience.
Continue to make required payments by the payment dates to keep your application in good standing.
25th World Scout Jamboree – Application Has Not Been Accepted
The council has chosen to not approve the application.
Contact the council directly with any question on applications that are not approved.
What if I have issues with registration?
First, make sure to contact your local council and check to ensure your my.Scouting account has the correct BSA ID number with a current BSA membership attached.
Often, we find a person may have multiple BSA numbers with their council.
If this does not solve the registration issue, complete the “Registration Assistance Form” at
“The World Scout Jamboree changed my life. I made friends from around the world.”